exquisite rare and vintage games

in-House play only

This game is available for in-house play only.

It may be a one-of-kind game or edition, an item with many small or delicate parts, or in a state of frailty due to old age. In other words - priceless.

In many cases, such items would be locked away behind glass in museums or collector's homes, but we feel that defeats the intention of the item, which after all was conceived and built to be played with. So at Conundrum House, we gladly allow players to play with these priceless items - with appropriate reverence and respect for its condition.

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Conundrum House

Conundrum House Pathfinder RPG Book Library

A collection of Pathfinder books.

Various editions and manuals included, available for DM's and players in-house when playing for reference or consultation when using or playing campaigns from one of these earlier edition books. They are also fun to browse to see how the game and style have evolved over the decades.

Player's Handbook

Monster Manual